Cups Sustainable

Shop Compostable “Plastic” Cups Made From Ingeo NatureWork Polymer

The unique blend of physical properties of NatureWorks® polymer cups makes it well suited for a broad range of packaging applications including high-value films, rigid thermoformed food and beverage containers, coated papers and boards and other packaging applications. Coupled with its unique environmental attributes, it is the only packaging material with significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions to combine performance with environmental benefits.

Ingeo is made from dextrose (sugar) that is derived from field corn already grown for many industrial & functional end-uses. In North America, corn has been used first because it is the most economically ,feasible source of plant starches. Ingeo uses less than 1/20th of 1% (0.05%) of the annual global corn crop today, so there’s little to no impact on food prices or supply. The process does not require corn, Ingeo only needs a sugar source. This could include sugar beets, sugar cane, wheat and more. Most of our products on this page are made with NatureWorks® polymer. Please click on the product to find out more.

*BPI certified to be 100% compostable in actively managed municipal or industrial facilities, which may not be available in your area. Not suitable for backyard composting.

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